Monday 25 February 2013

Week 3- Personal 

I can't believe we've been here for over 3 weeks time flies. We have settled in well to our new home and during the week we have the routine of getting up, going to school and coming back to Jollyboys to plan lessons.

Last Sunday Jade and I went to one of the local churches called David Livingstone Presbyterian. It was supposed to start at 9.30 so Jade and I rushed down thinking we'd be late but of course we're running on African time and some people were still arriving at 11. The service lasted 3 hours which was rather long for us but a good experience none the less and allowed us to encounter even more of the African culture.
Pancake Tuesday saw us attempting to make some pancakes in our shared kitchen. Surprisingly it was a great success considering the ingredients were measured out using a dessert spoon- how resourceful, and it was also a nice little reminder of home!

Jollyboys have a connection with a local orphanage just outside the town and we have been to visit the past two Sundays. On our second visit we asked if it would be possible for us to come during the week on a weekly basis to play games, read and have fun with the children. So on Wednesday we went back to visit and had a lot of fun teaching the children games and songs although they seemed to have more fun teaching us.

We've been complaining about the fact that we have been here for over 3 weeks and the only tourist attraction we've done was visiting Victoria Falls therefore we thought this weekend we definitely had to do something. Amy and Ashleigh were very keen to go white water rafting on the Zambezi, Jade and I not so much. But we got roped in anyway and Saturday morning saw us setting off ready to tackle some rapids. We had a steep climb down in order to reach the river and when we got there we were assigned to our rafts with our instructor. Since I am not a huge fan of the water I was absolutely dreading the whole experience but I wanted to say I had rafted the Zambezi. We set off and Boyd, our guide, gave us instructions of how to paddle and what to do when we approached a rapid. The first few rapids were fine until we came to the 'Terminator 2'...the name says it all! Our raft capsized and we were all out, it was such a blur and I was barely able to breathe. After some time we managed to all get back on board but it was safe to say I had never been so scared. When we made it to the finish line I was able to breathe a sigh of relief but looking back it was good fun and I'm glad I did it...even though at one point I thought I was going to die!! 

The same night we did a sunset cruise along the Zambezi which was definitely a much smoother sail! We had some food and were able to watch the sun going down which was so beautiful. We even saw some hippos and giraffes along the way which was rather exciting since we hadn't yet seen any of the ‘Big 5’. 
The weather is improving greatly so hopefully we will have some sunshine going into this new week to ease the lesson planning!

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